The mute power within...
"The tree of silence, bears the fruit of peace " The fact that ascetics, sages and even commoners voyage all the way up to the Himalayas or any other mountain range for that matter to meditate is merely because of the melody of silence and to escape from the hustle and bustle of life, away from urban chaos. Isn’t it quite astonishing to know that even silence has its own melody like music? The melody of silence has its own aesthetic value. We hear music before going to bed or at any time of the day to invigorate ourselves and to bid farewell to all the tensions we faced before listening to music, same way atleast 30-40 seconds of silence in a day can turn out to be very enlivening. A recreational visit to a deserted beach with no accompaniment can provide refreshment to the body and mind. With the support of our gifted mind imagine the scene at a beach in which there is no one else, you get a terrific opportunity to communicate with the sea....